Deepen Your Connection
To The Healing Energy Within You
Reiki I, II and Master Certification And Attunement

Reiki Level I Certification

Start your comprehensive, light-filled Reiki Level I Certification training today!

This Reiki Level I Certification is designed to help you relax into wholeness, unwind your nervous system, and rejuvenate your whole being.

During this powerful and comprehensive training, you will be attuned to the first Reiki symbol and taught how to channel Universal Life Force as a healing modality!!

Learn how easy it can be to tap into the flow of Universal Life Force Energy. Discover how renewing and soul-fulfilling it feels to give a Reiki (energy healing) treatment to yourself and others.

Register below to receive your Reiki Level I Certification training.

Reiki Level II and/or Master Teacher Certification

Much of the magic of Reiki is in Level II where you learn how to heal on a quantum level beyond physical space (long distance) and beyond time (learn how to send light to your or another’s childhood or past life and so on).

One of the joys and honors of Reiki Mastership is the ability to teach and attune others to Reiki. Reiki Mastery raises your vibration, boosts your personal practice and helps you become a clearer channel of your Divine Self, which assists the whole planet.

A very special opportunity has been created for you to continue your Reiki journey and receive the most light within a truly accessible and comprehensive in-depth training that you can access again and again for 1/10th the price most pay…

Click the button below to learn more about the Reiki Level II and/or Master Teacher Certification: